The European Water Framework Directive requires the replacement of riprap on inland waterways above mean water level with biological fastening systems. Because plant roots can equally protect the banks and also make a valuable contribution to biodiversity, the research project "Bioshoreline" was launched. Since 2016, the Fraunhofer Institute for Environmental, Safety and Energy Technology UMSICHT, together with three companies and the Federal Waterways Engineering and Research Institute, has set itself the task of developing a geotextile filter made of renewable raw materials that enables bank stabilisation with plants. This geotextile filter consists of a combination of rapidly degradable natural fibres and slowly degradable synthetic fibres. After installation, it must stabilise the bank until plant roots take over this function. The filter must be easily rootable and temporarily biodegradable. The prototypes have been in the test phase since the beginning of 2020 on a section of the Rhine near Worms.