Brownfield recycling and property development

Brache surface recycling and Property development
We understand property development as more than just the deconstruction of unusable building fabric and the remediation of soil and groundwater. We see the development of commercial and municipal sites as an interdisciplinary task and a holistic process - all the way to the establishment of new economic activities and sustainable subsequent use.
Our project management services for the land and its new use are correspondingly proactive: from the creation of the necessary planning law to the creation of the necessary infrastructure to the business management for project companies and marketing of the land.
+49 (0) 511 899 223 0
Our project management services for the land and its new use are correspondingly proactive: from the creation of the necessary planning law to the creation of the necessary infrastructure to the business management for project companies and marketing of the land.
- Feasibility and economic feasibility studies
- Land development concepts
- Urban development
- Management of authorities and subsidies

Contact Person
Brownfield recycling and property development Thomas Jäger