The BMU and the BMEL produce the Nitrate Report every four years. Based on the measurement data from 692 monitoring sites of the EU nitrate monitoring network, the nitrate pollution of groundwater was assessed. Similarly, the eutrophication load of surface waters has also been considered at 256 monitoring sites. The aim of the monitoring is to examine the impact of measures to reduce nitrogen inputs to water bodies, such as the cultivation of catch crops, the reduction of mineral fertilisers and the expansion of organic farming. In recent years, Germany had repeatedly attracted attention due to threshold value exceedances. In 2017, infringement proceedings were initiated against Germany. In response, the Fertiliser Ordinance was revised and came into force in May 2020 amid great protests. However, against the backdrop of the Corona pandemic and the associated challenges for farms, it was suspended until January 2021. The regulation is intended to lead to a more targeted use of fertilisers and further reduce the amount of mineral fertilisers. As part of the "Engineering for a better tomorrow" campaign, the M&P Group is doing its part to ensure the high quality of our groundwater.