When exploring soil and groundwater, the ground is interfered with by sinking boreholes, setting pile-driving levels or digging trenches. It is important to point out lines, cables and canals, as in case of doubt they may still be contaminated with media and any damage caused by earthworks can lead to high follow-up costs. For this reason, a line enquiry should be made prior to commencing exploration measures in order to exclude possible damage to lines or to relocate starting points in an appropriate manner. Researching the network or pipeline operator responsible for an investigation area is usually very time-consuming. The offer of the Nationwide Information System for Pipeline Research (BIL) makes it possible to submit pipeline enquiries to a large number of network operators at the same time. Based on the enquiry information, BIL generates a legally secure positive and negative list. The operator remains in charge of checking the affected area. The operator's planning information service generates the relevant information for the enquirer. BIL does not hold any data itself. The users of the BIL platform receive feedback as to whether and where in the study area pipelines are affected by the planned measures.