In Lower Saxony, the promotion of broadband expansion in the districts and independent cities is carried out both via an economic viability gap model and via an operator model. In August 2018, the State of Lower Saxony adopted the Master Plan for Digitisation. The Lower Saxony-Bremen Broadband Centre (BZNB) informs interested parties about broadband internet provision. As part of this task, the BZNB operates several atlases which, among other things, provide information on broadband supply and maintain a construction site and empty pipe cadastre in which municipalities can enter construction sites and empty pipes in municipal ownership. - The Broadband Atlas of Lower Saxony maps broadband access in the state of Lower Saxony in as much detail as possible and is unique among the German federal states in its attention to detail. - The construction site atlas with empty pipe cadastre complements the Lower Saxony Broadband Atlas and shows potential synergies for broadband expansion, especially the potential for co-laying.